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Ep #5: Caregiver who never gave up – The Madhu Vyas Show

Warrior of the episode: Arvind Kirodian

In this episode, Arvind will reveal how life handed him the role of caregiver for his parents…
How he courageously fought a 16-month long battle of life for his mother in the hospital…
the delicate aspects of a caregiver’s life…
from financial crunches to people turning their back on him…
calling him jinxed & whatnot…
How he came out with flying colours like a true warrior with resilience, faith & hope… and blessings of his mother…

Arvind will share with you his story of riches to rags to success & happiness.
July 2007 was a turning point for Arvind

His mother went to the market and while coming back she met with a train local accident. Nearby people admitted her to a government hospital.

Where the hospital only provides first aid, then lots of time was wasted on finding a proper hospital. In the end, he was able to manage a proper hospital but it’s too late, and his mother was totally paralyzed below the neck.
He was the only son of the family members of 5 including him

All the responsibilities came upon him, no relatives came forward to help him

He had to face all the difficulties and everything all alone, no relatives stood beside him.

He had an amazing group of friends who help him throughout

Despite all, He lost all his family members in 2009

His relatives started calling him jinxed.

But he never left his parents, he put his heart and soul to cure them and put his best, he also kept his mother’s last word.

Watch the full episode. Click Below:

What is this show all about?
It’s a weekly live online talk show which aims to:
Engage and
the audience on the matters of life, especially the crucial role of breathing in our lives.
In this talk show, you will meet a variety of guests ranging from inspirational personalities to subject experts. A new guest every week addressing new aspects of life.
One thing is for sure you will get a high dose of hope and positivity from this show.


Who is Madhu Vyas Breathing Warrior?
She is a 65 years old lady with an oxygen tube on a mission – Breathing Warrior Movement.

Mission to empower 10 million people with Long-term Breathing Problems (Lungs/COPD/ILD) & their family caregivers to redesign their life to improve their quality of life without losing hope, feeling depressed, & being completely dependent on others.

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