Power of Digitalisation: A sweet real-life story

Created and Designed by Madhu Vyas

An interesting incident happened a few weeks ago.

I live in a housing society with good amenities. But one day we went out of cooking gas. No one knew when would the service resume.

Society management was busy dealing with the situation. Residents were expressing their disappointments and troubles. Some were sharing contact details of nearby food centres.

But it was not possible for me to order food from outside. Being in social isolation for the sake of my health, I could not eat food from outside. On top of that Covid pandemic made us more cautious.

My daughter was pacing across the hall and calling agencies to make arrangements for the gas.

Meanwhile, I recorded a video and shared it in the WhatsApp group of the society. Shared my story and concerns with everyone. It was necessary for me to eat something because of my medicine routine.

Only in few minutes, messages started pouring from the social group. People offered help. Someone messaged, “I can cook for you”. “You come here and eat with us”, one message said. One lady was generous to offer her gas cylinder to us.

Reading so many loving messages my eyes got filled with tears of bliss. Just one video message connected me to so many generous people.

Nowadays we are so busy with our lives. We live in our apartment. Do not even know who is living next door. In this scenario, this was a significant event. A beautiful example of empathy, compassion and trust for one another.

But it was not possible until a few years ago. Today, due to digital advancements, hundreds of people living in the same society got together in a matter of few minutes. They became sympathizers of each other and came forward to help.

I remember the time when I did not know even a single breathing warrior. Never seen and heard of any person suffering from this disease before. I could not understand how I will live like this. More importantly, will I be able to live at all? Death and losing your family do scares us deeply.

People living with or around me love me so much. They got sad to see me suffering like this. But no one can feel the pain that I am experiencing. Because only a sufferer can feel the suffering. I know this pain, very closely!

In the time of extreme pain, if a single voice is with you that says, “You are not alone, I am with you!” Can you understand the value of that voice? I can, very well!

But earlier there were so many barriers. Like age, gender, social, physical, medical, financial, geographical boundaries etc. But this revolution of digitalisation has been an invaluable gift for humankind.

I adopted Digital technology with an open heart & mind. I created a Global Community of Breathing Warriors. So that no one feels lonely, confused and disappointed.

An inclusive community in which all breathing warriors can come together as a tribe. We talk to each other, understand each other’s pain. This way we help each other to solve day-to-day problems and have a heart to heart discussion.

Spending life with a sense of fulfilment and independence is beautiful and empowering.
No physical incapacity can limit the power of the human spirit. If you believe in yourself, you can breathe consciously.

Digitalisation is playing a key role in the current times. Thank you 🙂

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